Our technological solutions have been developed to address pervasive problems that consumers encounter across several crucial functions. Our Indxx Technology team has selected the corporate activities sector as one crucial area. Particularly, the inconsistencies and poor management of corporate initiatives in the area of equity indexing. We developed our Corporate Action Administration Platform to address this problem (CAdmin). DESCRIBE CADMIN CAdmin is a centrally located, comprehensive platform that can be customized for all routine and unexpected organizational tasks. By making a clean and accurate golden duplicate of all the data available from diverse data vendors, CAdmin eliminates the issue of data inconsistencies. HOW COME WE USE CADMIN? CAdmin was created to address common issues users encounter while processing corporate action data from various sources and/or vendors. We appreciate the importance of early communication of corporate actions and the serious operation...
Organizations can accomplish their objectives for digital transformation thanks to Indxx Data & Technology. By offering customized, automated solutions, we enable businesses in the investment management sector to make better decisions for themselves and their clients, thereby lowering operational risks and boosting the effectiveness of their business procedures. Our Indxx Technology team has selected the corporate activities sector as one crucial area. Particularly, the inconsistencies and poor management of corporate initiatives in the area of equity indexing. We developed our Corporate Action Administration Platform to address this problem (CAdmin). CAdmin is a centrally located, comprehensive platform that can be customized for all routine and unexpected organizational tasks. By making a clean and accurate golden copy of all the data available from diverse data vendors, CAdmin eliminates the issue of data inconsistencies. Users can utilize CAdmin to guarantee that corporate ...